Friday, March 2, 2007

Writing 'n' Stuff

I hate writing... there, I said it... OH YEAH! It's a form of creative expression that lends itself well to some, and not so well to others. As I sit here, again, working on a script that I will be shooting in about two months, I find my mind wandering.

I think I work better as a director and cinematographer as I like working with what I do have as opposed to making up what I will have. There's a sense of play in interpreting the script and working with actors. As a DP, there's always a sense that you could fail at any second, but when the shot comes off right, SUCCESS!!!!

Writing also leaves me cold as it is, for me anyway, a lonely process. It's a time when I have to focus on what EXACTLY I want to say, then try, with my own little hands, to make it come out on paper. Sure, I can workshop it with other writers and directors, but that is almost too late. I've already done all the work. I've written a first draft and now have had a chance to look at it and see many of the flaws that must be corrected.

So... here I sit... I have 2 more pages written than I did an hour ago... I need to write 10 more pages... my iTunes has just switched to Rob Zombie's Two Lane Blacktop which is completely inappropriate for the script I'm working on... I flip through songs until I find something a little more depressing... ah, Loreena McKennit, that'll do... I look back at the page... still need 10 more...

I always bring the script together in time, but I wish it were easier. Not that directing or shooting a film is "easy", but I have a handle on how to make the process work. This writing thing is for the Birds... and that wasn't even a good script... CRIPES!!!!

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