Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Bits of Things... 'n' Stuff...

This semester is flying away from me. It's nice in some respects as I'm nearing my thesis year and my MFA will be complete... YAY! But, I'm also going to have to shoot, edit, and score a 12 page script in, roughly, three weeks (not consecutive, I just have a window of time in there and I'll be picking days to shoot). Scary stuff. Too much? Don't think so, just stressful. Can't wait to get to work on this script with my actress (a wonderfully talented lass) and finish casting so's I can get moving. I'm approaching this piece in a more Cassavetian (sp?) way. Which is to say that I'm letting some of the creative work fall into the lap of my lead actress, who seems excited by that. Where do I leave the character? Is this scene right? If not, how would you fix it? i.e. what would the character do instead? Also I can leave allot of the physical work in building a character to her. That's the dream anyway.

Music of the Moment: Angel - Live Fast, Die Never...

Great script writing music... at least I think so.


Aaron Snell said...

Hey Nick,

Sounds exciting. Do you have a title yet? Where did you find the actress?

The Lonely Filmmaker said...

Yep, title is GONE and my two leads are from the drama department here at UM. One of which (Amber) was in high demand when I did this piece, the other (Lily) is new to the department and I saw her in a play where she tore it up. I feel as though I've discovered her :) Though that's not completely true.