Saturday, May 23, 2009

Into The Void

There's a shirt I saw once that made me laugh, then gave me an introspective moment. It was a black T-Shirt with green lettering which read "More People Have Read This Shirt Than Your Blog". Funny and true how many of us write these little public diaries, reviews, statements, diatribes, and yet how few people actually read them.

So, why do it? I can't answer for other people but I can write about myself... which is kind of the whole point of blogging, isn't it? For me, blogging is a self-psycho-analysis. I try to be as self reflective in life as I can. This has, at times, been rather destructive and caused me more second guessing than was healthy. But I've moved on and blogs allow me to write things down, be honest (or as honest as anyone could/should be in a public forum) and say something about myself. I don't do movie reviews anymore because I found them to be unhelpful in crafting my own work. They were also... what's the best way to put this... in bad taste. What right do I have to criticize another artist's work? If I don't like something, then I just won't use that method in my own work. To take my time to lambaste someone for trying to do what I'm trying to do is just mean spirited, and inappropriate at this state in my career.

But I do find it helpful to sort of review my own life and blogging is an interesting way to go about it. I have to sit and think, "Ok, do I really want to put that into a public forum?". Usually the answer is "Yes", but it still allows me to study myself. If I don't want to make something public, why not? What does that say about me? My action, inaction, decision, etc...

So, I blog here and there. Judging from the lack of responses I doubt that anyone is listening... but that's ok because, in the end, that's not really the point. For me blogs, like journals and diaries, are meant for the writer... not an audience. I'm sure there are times I'd like a discussion to start, but if it doesn't I've still taken the time for a little self analysis. Hopefully I'm the better for it.

Updates coming soon on "Gone", my first feature length film.

Your Lonely Director,

Nick J.

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