Saturday, October 6, 2007

Creative Differences

Well, to lose your lead actor exactly 5 days before shooting is not the best of signs. But, in this case, I think it was best for everyone involved. We've already recast and are getting our new actor ready for wardrobe and hopefully can get a few rehearsals in before we shoot.

To be clear, Ken was my co-writer AND my lead actor. He and I simply had different working philosophies and could not reach a middle ground. Ken's a good guy and I wish him all the best in his future en devours, but we did just have creative differences which were impacting the film negatively.

So, I'm ready to move forward and am working now with a good friend. He doesn't have the same look as Ken, rather he has his own look which itself will help with some of the themes in the film.

That being said, I'll make a movie one way or another ;)

Your Lonely Director,

Nick J.

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