Friday, June 15, 2007


Well... not literally. I think any artist worth their salt has been mentally tortured from time to time. Here I am now, being tortured... and like it I DO NOT!

Perhaps this needs some backstory. Fair enough...

I've been working on a script for about 4 weeks now. It's slowly taking shape, but it's a major struggle. For those of you who don't know, writing is hard. Writing well is even harder... and I don't think there's a "level" of difficulty for GREAT writing. Suffice to say, I haven't achieved it yet and doubt I ever will. My skills lie with understanding shot making and working with actors. Writing is necessary and I have to fight to make it all work. Maybe all writers do. I don't know many so I suppose I can only surmise. I just used allot of S's...

Anyway... I write. I try to write. I've worked with my writing professor now, as well as two other collegues and, I have to say, nothing has helped. This story is strange and not quite firing on any one, compelling, cylinder.

And, as difficult writing may be... I think writing short films is even MORE difficult. There is just so little that can be put into 15-20 pages to help with characters/background/and emotional journey that it becomes very difficult to have a complete piece which both makes sense and is emotionally satisfying. Right now, I'm still missing both.

The end is kind of emotionally satisfying... but the story doesn't quite make sense. I'm sure I'll get it pieced together. At least 70% sure. I've done it before... I SHOULD be able to do it again. Until then, I'll sit... and try to write... write one scene... then another... try to figure out what my character wants... try to figure out what the entire script is "about"... try to make a cup of coffee that doesn't taste like soapy water (seriously... what the hell is with this coffee maker in the grad lab?!?!?!)

I'll try... and I'll keep y'all informed.

Your Lonely Director,

Nick J.


Aaron Snell said...

It's an art form, true 'dat. I admire you for your determination - I know what it feels like. I used to think (and I believe you were there with me during that time) that just because I loved to read, I should be able to write well. Haha. Naivete is cute when you're young.

Anyway, best wishes. My advice mainly consists of: stay up for as many hours as possible until your every words seems like genius to you in your altered state. :)

Seriously, I'm sure it will come out beautifully. Hang in there!

Unknown said...

Best o' luck to ya! If there's anything I can do to help, whether review, acting as a sounding board, or even just to vent to, just let me know.