Sunday, February 18, 2007

Late Night, Day Off, Naps Baaaaaad....

It's not that I hate naps... it's just that they appear to hate me. After the final day of shooting on a large Thesis film, I was tired. Strange, considering it was probably one of the easiest days of shooting we had. But still, I came home, crashed on the couch and fell asleep. In the background, Corky Romano blared yet still, sleep took me. Two hours later I awoke to that pleasant feeling of being hit by a train carrying port-a-potties. You know the feeling. The feeling that your heart is beating too fast, but yet, as though it could stop at any minute. I think the fact that the on set meals were from that health spa known as McDonalds only aided in the nap's ability to destroy my nervous system and make me want to avoid sleep for... ever really.

So, here I sit at 1:00 in the a.m. starting a blog site. Not something I thought I would do, but hey, what with being a grad student I've got just LOADS of free time to sit around and tell you all how I feel. As Anakin Skywalker would say... "YIPPIE!"

But there is a lighter side to the day. I managed to finally finish editing my epic (15 minute) film from last semester and dropped it off at a local film festival. I'm looking forward to seeing some other films from around Missoula and watching mine on a big screen. I shot it at 2.35:1 so it's tiny on my computer monitor. As soon as it's uploaded to the school website, I'll post a link so y'all can tell me how much you HATE, er how much you liked the sets... ya... there's always a nicer way to put it, but it's late and my brain is firing on only 1 of it's regular 3 cylinders.

*BANG* see... there it went.


Aaron Snell said...

Welcome to the blogosphere, friend Nick!

The Lonely Filmmaker said...

Woohoo... A COMMENT!!! :)

Starbucks Addict said...

Ditto on the welcome :-) Although I'm amazed you have time! I'm looking forward to reading your blogs.