Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Still Breathing

Well it's been a while... long while... no longer than that... it's been a while. Life ebbs and flows and I got caught in a serious string of ebbs that kept me busy for a while. Not the least of which was some jackass hacking into my paypal account and trying to steal what little money I have. *silent rage*

Anyway, I've been hard at work doing multiple things. Following the death of one of the great professors and mentors at UM, I've taken on a couple extra classes. It's been fun and I have great students this semester. That makes my job so much easier.

I've also been working on a series of web travelogues that are in post production now. It's been a great experience that has been so exhaustive it's nearly put me into a state of catatonia. Seriously, it wasn't pretty.

But I'm plodding along and trying to stay as creative as possible. I've been "hired" as the cinematographer on a short film for a good friend of mine. It's nice. I won't have to worry about my own work for that month of production, just making sure I'm doing my job as cinematographer as best I can. Should be fun :)

I'm also working on my first feature length script. It's slow going as I just don't have the time to concentrate on it now. But I'm done outlining and have finally started on a draft. It's a big project but I think would work well as my first feature length film.

I'm also writing and directing a play this spring for a local theater troop. Again, the writing is slow and frustrating, but it's fun to work in different mediums. I doubt I'll stay in stage work as I so love what the camera does. But there is a quite simplicity and peace to working on stage. It feels more like I'm just working with actors. Good stuff.

So I'm overworked and not looking forward to those student loans, but I'm good and still being creative. I just finished mastering a DVD collection of my three short films that I'd be happy to send out if anyone is interested. Just contact me at: nicholasgjenkins@hotmail.com

I'll try to keep the updates a comin'.

Peace Out,

Nick J